Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2009
Memorial Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Martha Waite, Mary Ricker, Mark Johnson
OTHERS PRESENT: Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary, Randy Mizereck, Consultant
M. Waite called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
• January 12, 2009: M. Waite motioned to approve with adding "M. Johnson had recommended to the residents at 1 Hawthorn to change the intake on the boiler. He asked as a fellow parishioner at church." M. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
502 Wachusett Street: Mark Farrell/Green Hill Engineering for Kevin Auger. System repair.
1. The old SAS (leach pit) needs to be located on the septic design plans and abandoned per Title 5.
2. Inspection Port in SAS needs to be located on the plans.
3. Invert elevations for the addition foundation are needed.
4. Holden Conservation Commission and Department of Conservation and Recreation approval is needed.
5. Floatation and pump calculations needed for the pump chamber.
6. Buoyancy calculations needed for the septic tank and pump chamber.
7. The building sewers for the addition and house shall extend in a straight line with no bends or angles to the septic tank.
8. A letter to the homeowner regarding the maintenance of the DEP approved effluent filter on the outlet tee in the septic tank will need to be provided, and a copy sent to the Holden Board of Health.
The septic system plans were reviewed and TABLED due to the above conditions.
• Tanning Salons: Tanning Salon stings will be taking place. A. Crete had an anonymous complaint that salons are letting girls under the age of 18 use the tanning booths without parental consent. The Police Department will be conducting tanning stings to make sure the salons are complying.
• Animal Regulations Update: An Ad Hoc Committee will be put together by local farmers. A. Crete is working with this group to put regulations together governing the keeping of farm animals.
• Septic - 1 Year Extension: A contractor has asked A. Crete if the board will allow an additional one year septic extension for those that have already been granted. The economy has been down and business is slow for contractors and septic installers. A. Crete will check with DEP to see what they recommend.
• Emergency Preparedness (EDS Plan) Update: A consultant is working with A. Crete for an Emergency Dispensing Site (EDS). She has written consent from the High School to use their site. They will be doing a walk through of the high school to develop the EDS plan.
• Domestic Wells and Drinking Water Regulations: A. Crete is waiting to see what the town of Grafton is doing. The Board of Health will work within DEP parameters. A. Crete will forward a web site link to the Board members. The company ETR Labs will be conducting a free class on well maintenance at the Senior Center on April 15, 2009, at 7 PM. A. Crete will check to see if any group discounts will be available for residents.
Next Meeting: April 27, 2009 at 5:00PM.
M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 PM.
March 16, 2009 minutes approved: April 27, 2009
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary